
Hi! I’m Allison Harrison of Breath & Spark, LLC. I find joy in creating intentional space, listening, and honoring the insights and delights that arise when people feel held and heard. We are facing so many collective and individual griefs and transitions. My goal is to help myself and others take a deep breath and find a spark of creativity, flow, joy, peace, or self-compassion. Through writing and organizing systems and spaces, I facilitate transformation at many levels—inside individuals, our projects, groups, organizations, and physical spaces.

Yellow daffodils trumpet the arrival of spring

My 15 years in the nonprofit sector centered on issues of justice, empowerment, and healing–from a local rape crisis center to a state voting rights org to a national federation for people with rare illness. Along the way, I was always drawn to find new ways to meet needs and connect people with their passions. After grinding for years to grow nonprofit programs and organize white people against racism, I discovered that a key barrier my peers and I faced was our own exhaustion, disconnection, and feelings of scarcity and urgency. I want my work to be part of the antidote.

My work is informed by my experiences as an advocate, caregiver, person with illness, intersectional feminist, mindfulness facilitator, program creator, writer, and more. (See examples of past writing services on this page.) I studied Creative Writing, American Studies, and Social & Economic Justice at UNC-Chapel Hill, where I also earned a Master of Social Work degree with a concentration in Community, Management, and Policy Practice and an interdisciplinary Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership. I am a published poet. I continue to learn about mindfulness, mental health, and trauma; I’m certified in Mental Health First Aid and Conscious Facilitation.

Please let me know how I can support you. I am committed to unlearning and upending colonization, patriarchy, racism, and capitalism, as well as creating safe and sacred spaces for queer, trans, BIPOC, sick, disabled and neuro divergent folks. I am always practicing and I welcome feedback.

Allison, a white woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is smiling.

A little more…

  • Rad Southerner. Guilty of using puns. Heart-centered and well-organized. Can do hard things.

  • Favorite quote: “When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” - Audre Lorde, from The Cancer Chronicles

  • Favorites: Chocolate. Words. Dogs. Music. Coffee, bourbon, tea. Laughter. Poetry and prayer. Slippers. Being cozy. Flowers. Making lists.